
Date: 2023

1179 Photos / 50 Pages

Crummock Water from High StileDerwent Fells and BlencathraHonister Pass and Fleetwith PikeHigh StileSnowy FellsBoundary Post Above the SnowHigh CragHerdys Above Ennerdale ForestWarnscale BottomWarnscale BottomFleetwith Pike From ButtermereHassness Crag WoodGlassy ButtermereButtermere DubsUs and the Edge of the WorldGoleudy Ynys LawdSouth Stack PuffinPenrhyn Castle KitchenPenrhyn Castle Grand Staircase Ground FloorPenrhyn Castle Grand Staircase 1st FloorPenrhyn Castle Grand Staircase RoofPenrhyn Castle HallsPenrhyn Castle ChapelPenrhyn Castle Grand Hall