
Location: United Kingdom

2355 Photos / 99 Pages

Summerhill Force and Gibson's CaveThe Path to Gibson's CaveThe Rigg from Kidsty HowesKidsty HowesRiggindale and Rough CragLong Stile from Rough CragHaweswater Reservoir from Rough CragFirst Light on Rough CragRiggindale Lone TreeMardale BeckCausey Arch Bridge DeckNo.49 Through the Trees at Causey ArchNo.49 Approaches Causey ArchNo.2 Departs Causey ArchNo.6 Approaches Causey ArchCausey Arch Station Switch LeverNo.2 from the ViewpointNo.2 from the ViewpointCausey Arch SpurNo.2 Through the Trees at Causey ArchReds Overwhelm GreensThe Sky Decays to Crimson RedSwirling Green and RedAurora at North Charlton