
Location: England

857 Photos / 36 Pages

St Cuthbert Thetis Blacker BannerShrine of St Cuthbert CoverDoor to Shrine of St CuthbertSt Aidan AltarDurham Cathedral Rose Window DetailChapel of the Nine AltarsPrior Castel's ClockDurham Cathedral LanternDurham Cathedral Screen DetailDurham Cathedral ScreenDurham Cathedral NaveDurham Cathedral Screen and Rose WindowDurham Cathedral Rose WindowDurham Cathedral CloistersDurham Cathedral Stonework DetailDurham Cathedral Galilee ChapelTyne Bridge from Bank HouseGrey's Monument, Emerson Chambers, Monument HallThe HoochGateshead Millenium BridgeTyne Bridge from the QuaysideKing Street and All SaintsNewcastle Liminal SpaceHoly Jesus Hospital