
Location: England

857 Photos / 36 Pages

Great Calva from KnottLingy HutCarrock FellFire, Air, EarthInglewood ForestBowscale Fell and Blencathra from Carrock FellSunrise from Carrock Fell SlopesPre-Dawn Glow Beyond the TreeAurora at HaltwhistleAurora at HaltwhistleDerwent Water and Keswick from Blease FellCastlerigg Stone Circle from Blease FellKeswick from Blease FellSkiddaw from Blease FellBorrowdale FellsCentral Lakeland FellsWinter Ascent of Clough HeadHelvellyn MassifBlencathra CrossWhiteoutSnow and SunDurham Cathedral Nave WindowDurham Cathedral ChoirDurham Cathedral Altar